How to Stop Hayfever in its Tracks: Our 7 Top Tips and Remedies

6th April 2022

Woman with hayfever

If you are one of the unlucky people who suffer from hayfever, you know that it can make life a real misery. Sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes are just a few of the symptoms that can make life pretty unbearable. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also keep you from enjoying some of your favourite activities.

The good news is that there are things that you can do to stop hayfever in its tracks. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the top tips and remedies for stopping hayfever so you can get back to enjoying your life.

What causes hayfever?

Hayfever is caused by an allergy to pollen. Pollen is a tiny particle that is released into the air by plants. When the pollen enters your nose, it triggers an allergic reaction. The symptoms of hayfever are caused by the body’s immune system overreacting to the presence of the pollen.

For some people, the pollen season can last for months. For others, it may only last a few weeks. The severity of the symptoms will also vary from person to person.

What are some of the symptoms of hayfever?

The most common symptom of hayfever is sneezing. Other symptoms include a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a feeling of congestion. Hayfever can also cause fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell. In severe cases, it can even lead to asthma attacks.

Top Tips and Hayfever Remedies

So what’s the best way to deal with hayfever? Here are some of our top tips:

#1. Avoid Being Outdoors When the Pollen Count is High

One of the most important things is to try to avoid being exposed to pollen. This can be a challenge - especially if you live in an area where there are a lot of plants and flowers. The pollen count is usually highest in the early morning and evening, so it’s best to stay indoors during these times. If you have to go outside, consider wearing a mask to help to filter out some of the pollen particles from the air and reduce your exposure to them.

#2. Wear Sunglasses to Protect your Eyes from Pollen

Sunglasses do a great job of shielding your eyes from the sun, but they can also help to protect your eyes from pollen and other airborne allergens. If you’re going to be outdoors for an extended period of time, make sure to wear sunglasses to help keep the pollen away. Wraparound styles are especially effective here.

#3. Clean Your Glasses

If you wear prescription glasses, one of the best things you can do is make sure they are clean. Glasses can trap pollen and other allergens, aggravating your hayfever symptoms and causing all sorts of problems. Be sure to clean them regularly with a mild soap and water solution or a good lens cleaning solution.

Cleaning glasses

#4. Consider an Alternative to Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses, it’s a good idea to take them out as soon as you come indoors to avoid your eyes getting irritated by pollen particles that can get trapped under the lens. Alternatively, think about switching to glasses during the hayfever season.

#5. Keep Windows and Doors Closed

Another way to reduce your exposure to pollen is to keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible. This can be especially difficult in the summer when the weather is nice and you want to let some fresh air into your home. But it’s important to remember that pollen can easily find its way into your home through open windows and doors, and once it’s in, it can be difficult to get rid of. If you do need to open your windows, consider using a fan instead of opening them all the way. This will help to circulate the air without letting pollen and other allergens into your home.

#6. Get an Air Purifier

An air purifier can also be a big help in reducing your exposure to pollen and other allergens. It works by filtering the air in your home and removing any airborne particles that may be causing you problems. This can be a great way to create an allergy-free zone in your home, especially if you suffer from severe hayfever.

#7. Use an Allergy / Hayfever Compress

One final thing that we recommend is the Allergy Hayfever Compress - a self-cooling cold eye compress that is extremely effective in combatting hayfever and allergy symptoms, as well as relieving headaches and migraines. It's the perfect home remedy for burning, itchy and irritated eyes caused by allergies and is ideal for hay fever season. You can store it in the fridge, ready for immediate use whenever you need it. You can use it as often as necessary, and it's safe for children to use too!

We hope that these tips will help you put a stop to your hayfever. You don’t need to suffer in silence. As you can see, there are things that you can do to help ease your symptoms and get relief.

Try some of these tips and see how they work for you!

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