How to Get the Most from Your Eye Test
Are you really getting the most out of your one-on-one time with your optician? When you next go for your eye test use these simple tips to ensure your trip certainly was worthwhile.
Find out what your pupillary distance is. This isn’t always included in your prescription but you do need to know it to ensure you can get a pair of glasses that fit perfectly.
Optometrists are qualified to the same standards, so you should get the same quality treatment wherever you go – don’t pay more than you need to.
You don’t have to buy your glasses from the opticians where you had your eye test. Don’t feel like you have to pay more, you can make great savings by choosing to buy your glasses elsewhere.
Your employer must pay for your eye test if you use a computer at work. If you’re self-employed the cost of your eye test counts as a business expense.
Make sure you come away with a copy of your prescription. This is required by law so you have every right to ask for one if you’re not given one or if your optician is reluctant to give you a copy.
Remember you’ll need your prescription to buy your new prescription glasses online! They will be cheaper and you’ll have a much better choice of frames and designer names.