Buying Glasses Online? Read Our Tips First!

16th May 2017

Now online shopping is considered to be the norm for most people, it makes sense that you can also buy your prescription glasses online too. There are many reasons for you to do this but the main ones seem to be the ability to save a lot of money even when choosing designer frames and the wider choice you are given online.

  • Before you begin buying your glasses online it is worth reading through the following tips to make sure you make the right purchase first time.
  • Go to the high street and try on some frames in a store before buying online. Make a note of the names and brands that you like and find styles that generally always suit your face.
  • Look on the inside arm of your current glasses and look for a couple of two digit numbers. The first number is the width of the lens and the second is the width of the bridge.
  • Know your prescription and have it with you if you are buying prescription glasses.
  • Look on the website to see if you can return the glasses with no problems.
  • Use the tools on the website to check the glasses from all angles. If you visit Glasses2You make full use of the virtual mirror to see what each pair of glasses will look like.


You have plenty of time to browse the various frames and try them on in the virtual mirror so take your time.

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Gone are the days when you could only afford to buy one pair of glasses for all occasions. The emergence of Glasses2you means that you can now have spare pairs of prescription glasses in your car, at work or even upstairs if you so wish. It also means that you can now afford to have different styles to suit your mood or to suit every occasion in your life. We really can save you a fortune on your glasses.

Buy prescription glasses online with Glasses2you. Reading glasses and affordable prescription spectacles available - FREE UK and international* delivery. Overseas orders are sent by 'International Tracked & Signed'. We prepare your glasses using the same processes, technology and suppliers as those employed by high street opticians. Our only compromise is on price not on quality.