Our Blog

From tips and tricks to keep your eyes healthy to the latest fashion trends, browse our eyeware and sight-related posts.

Our Top Reasons to Take Care of Your Eyes
30th August 2021

Our Top Reasons to Take Care of Your Eyes

When it comes to maintaining your eye health, you may think wearing your prescription glasses daily and avoiding long hours staring at phone screens is the only strategy you can follow. Though these methods do benefit your eyes and should remain part of your daily habits, they’re simply the first step towards…
3 Incredible Facts About the Eye You Probably Didn’t Know
16th August 2021

3 Incredible Facts About the Eye You Probably Didn’t Know

Whether they are blue, green, brown, or a mixture of all of them, your eyes are one of the most incredible parts of your body. Eyesight is one of the most valuable senses we have, even so, our eyes remain a body part that don’t always receive the credit they…

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed - 30 Day Returns

Gone are the days when you could only afford to buy one pair of glasses for all occasions. The emergence of Glasses2you means that you can now have spare pairs of prescription glasses in your car, at work or even upstairs if you so wish. It also means that you can now afford to have different styles to suit your mood or to suit every occasion in your life. We really can save you a fortune on your glasses.

Buy prescription glasses online with Glasses2you. Reading glasses and affordable prescription spectacles available - FREE UK and international* delivery. Overseas orders are sent by 'International Tracked & Signed'. We prepare your glasses using the same processes, technology and suppliers as those employed by high street opticians. Our only compromise is on price not on quality.